June Challenge: Flash Lit

Hello writers, poets, and storytellers! Welcome to Flash Lit June. Three times a year, in February, June, and October, we throw caution to the wind and write short pieces just for fun (and bragging rights)(and to practice publishing our work)(and to beef up our blogs).

Across the month, I post a prompt and give you three days to write the story, poem, narrative non-fiction — whatever floats your boat. You work your magic in up to 500 words and post your piece on your blog. Then you drop the link in the Facebook group.

What if you don’t have a blog? Make one. They’re super easy; we’re only looking for basic here. What if you’re not on Facebook? That’s easy, too; drop the link and a few words about yourself into an email and send it to [email protected], subject line: Flash Lit June – (prompt) – (your last name).

When you share your lit you give permission for us to share it in turn across our social media, which includes this website, our Facebook group To Live and Write … Wherever You Are, and our resident writing + creativity coach’s Instagram account @bronwynemery.coach.

If you write along with us, you will have 10 short stories or poems or essays or cartoons or whathaveyou to brag about by the end of the month. Do it again in October and that’s 20 pieces in your portfolio before the end of the year. If you began with us in February, you’ll have 30 to round out 2021.

How scary is that? So scary, it’s exhilarating! You might actually have proof you’re a writer (in case you didn’t before) and a stash of stories, poems, blog posts, or narrative non-fiction pieces to show off. Hey. You might even have the beginnings of a collection or memoir to work into something publishable. Fancy that.

Happy writing. Happy reading!

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