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Wine. Nibbles. Neighbors in video windows. It’s a story time for grown ups!
FOR THE DURATION of Shelter-In-Place, Alameda Shorts will be presented online in private Zoom meetings.
Please send an RSVP email to for the password or join To Live and Write … Wherever You Are on Facebook.

Join us for an evening of curated stories written and presented by members of To Live and Write … Wherever You Are. This monthly showcase of our literary endeavors has a little something for everyone: Tears, laughter, introspection, inspiration, and even snort laughter. We embrace adult content; leave the kiddies at home.

Interested in sharing your work at a night of Alameda Shorts?

Here’s how:

Submission guidelines:

  • Membership in To Live and Write in Alameda required.*
  • July 2021 theme: Cream
  • Personal essay or short story only (save the poetry for Local Voices: A Broken Mic).
  • Word document only. Times New Roman, 12pt. Indent paragraphs; no space between paragraphs.
  • Length: Five minutes max
  • Deadline: Midnight, June 30, 2021
  • Event night: Thursday, July 15, 2021
  • Send to:
  • Subject line: Alameda Shorts – your last name – Cream – July 2021
  • Attach document; do NOT cut and paste into the email.
  • Put your name inside the attached document! BUT DO NOT EMBED IT. This is important.
  • This is a curated event; if your piece is selected, you will be expected to attend at least one practice in the week leading up to the event. Newbies are required to attend two practices. If you are unable to do so, or unable to present on the night of Alameda Shorts, the reserve will be offered your place.
  • Practices in Alameda and online; TBD based on who is selected to read.

Usually, Alameda Shorts is hosted at Books, Inc. Alameda on the third Thursday of each month (January through October).

FOR THE DURATION OF SHELTER-IN-PLACE AND REOPENING RESTRICTIONS Alameda Shorts will be presented online in a private Zoom meeting. Please send an RSVP email to for the password.

Compensation: Exposure, practice, bragging rights, and a chance to share your work with a live audience.

Join us. You know you want to.

*There’s no charge for our basic “Friends” membership. Become a member of our community by asking to join us on Facebook. Do you have to?!? YES! We’re a writers support group, which means we strongly encourage participation of some kind, for your own benefit. That’s the whole point of the thing. Many of us live on an island, but none of us actually is an island. Try it. You may be surprised by how much you like us.

Dulce Zamora takes charge of the mic at our first Story Slam on May 12, 2016.

2LWA ~ Books Inc ~ Story Slam ~ May ~ Eric AK

It was standing room only at the May 12, 2016 Story Slam at Books, Inc. in Alameda. Eric AK, reading, gets a chuckle out of the crowd as fellow member, Eric Johnson waits his turn. Photo Credit: Amos White.

Erica Peck, reading, leads the audience through a spooky adventure in a Spirit Store that was worthy of the best of Twilight Zone on October 19, 2017. Photo Credit: Robin Heyden.

Free wine. Great company. Fantastic storytelling. We have way too much fun at these things, and we’re not sorry. Co-hosts Bronwyn Emery and Hank Hedland ham it up at the last Story Slam of 2017. Photo Credit: Robin Heyden.

For more information, email

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